Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What foods should I eat for weight loss?

Low-Carbohydrate Diet:

What we don't know about carbohydrates, or why do we gain weight?

The general people's perception about gaining weight, is that this is due to fats. What we don't know, is that generally the carbohydrates are much more dangerous for
increasing our weight than the fats themselves. Carbohydrates are the main "energy source" for the human's body, and when we don't burn them in the form of sports or
any other physical activity, carbohydrates tend to get stored from our organism in the form of weight tissue. There are three types of carbohydrates:

1. Sugars (simple carbohydrates) - they are the so called "fast carbs" - provide the human body with immediate energy. These are exactly the carbohydrates we need to avoid, as our body stores them in the form of fat, if we don't use them
as energy immediately.

2. Starchers (complex carbohydrates)
- they contain larger chain of sugars, and give you longer timeframe to use them as energy source, which means, the process of storing them as fat does not start immediately.

3. Dietary Fiber - mostly vegetables - they are low in calories and help the body remove waste. Your body needs them, so this is the type of carbohydrate that are not dangerous for your organism.

What are the foods suitable for a low-carbohydrate body:

The low-carbohydrate diet can be devided in two types - high-fat and low-fat. The first one is for gaining muscle mass, the second one is preferable for losing weight.
If you want to effectively lose weight, here is a short list of the foods, that are appropriate for you:

1. all types of low-fat meat - everything except lamb and pork
2. fish and all types of sea-food

3. eggs
4. milk - preferably low-fat, and not more than a 1l a day
5. milk derivatives in small quantities and not in the afternoons
6. vegetables - mostly the green ones - carrots, rice, potatoes are NOT recommended, and their quantity should be strongly reduced

In order not to reduce the norm of insulin in your organism, you should consume between 0,8 and 1,1g of carbohydrates for each kilogram of your body mass.
Example: If you weigh 55 kg, you should consume between 40g and 61g of carbohydrates per day.

When preparing the food, mostly the meat, fish and eggs, bear in mind, they must not be fried.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Basic Fitness Program

Tina's Fitness Program:

Day 1:

In day 1 you train biceps and chest:


1. Dumbell Bench Press - 4 series x 20 times
2. Lever Pec Deck Fly - 4 series x 20 times


1. Barbell Curl - 4 series x 15 times
2. Dumbell Curl - 4 series x 15 times each arm

15 minutes cardio

Day 2:

In day 2 you train abs and legs:


1. Seated Leg Press: 4 series x 20 times
2. Lever Seated Leg Curl: 4 series x 15 - 20 times
3. Lever Seated Hip Adduction: 3 series x 20 times
4. Lever Seated Hip Abduction: 3 series x 20 times


1. About 15 minutes sit-ups - 4 series x 15-20 times (if you could do 30 it would be just fine)

Day 3:

In day 3 you train triceps and back:

General Back:

1. Cable Seated Row - 4 series x 20 times
2. Rear Pulldown - 4 series x 15-20 times


1. Lying Triceps Extension - 4 series x 20 times
2. Cable Pushdown - 4 series x 20 times

15 minutes cardio

NOTE: After the first week, the cardio parts of the training should be increased - up to 30 minutes in the 3rd week of the trainings. You could start with the lowest weights, then slowly increase. Please keep in mind, that at the beginning it is not necessary to do all the repeats. Just make sure, you get used to them step by step.

How to achieve even better results - check here!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tips on reducing fat - how to achieve target weight fast and keep it forever

1. Plan your food

Reducing fat means choosing carefuly your daily meals. But you should bear in mind, that reducing fat alone may not lead to weight loss.
Overall calorie intake should be reduced - not only fat, but also carbohydrate, and even protein. It is important to know, that not all fats are bad and our body needs some fat in order to function properly.
Choosing a low-carbohydrate diet is a good solution to start with. There are many tips on starting such diet. Generally it includes vegetables (mostly the green ones), low-fat meat, small amount of milk and milk derivatives)
Such a diet gives you definitely energy and fresh feeling. However, most of the overweight people love to eat temptational products - sweets, pasta, pizzas (I myself am a great pizza fan and during such a diet, this was the type of food I missed the most :) )
A low carbo-diet shows resaults, but of course each one's oragnism reacts differently to a diet. It could lead to health problems due to the lack of diverse food or even to a great frustration of why we cannot consume our so beloved foods.

2. Exercise regularly

Getting to the gym can take some fats off, but it needs a lot of discipline, and physical efforts. The best recommendation are the cardio trainings in the fitness gym or the swimming.
Minimum 3 times a week would be fine, if you do it regularly, but do not expect to see the resaults from your efforts soon. I myself needed to take about 10 kilos off, and I used to go to the gym 6 times a week.
Imagine what a lack of spare time it was for me. And after a month of such training I lost only about 2 kilogramms and I felt terribly demotivated about it.

3. Choose Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills are getting more and more popular in the latest years - a great option and a way to lose weight fast. But they are not completely harmless, and could damage your health.
How do Weight Loss Pills work - they are known to increase body temperature and pulse, so that calories are burned, and hence they could lead to hearth problems and other types of health disfunction.

4. Go for a medically proven effective pill

In the last years we see many medicamentations on the market. Among the most popular ones in the latest years are the "fat binding" pills. These are pills, that absorbe fat from the food taken before it is absorbed in the body, so generally they reduce the overall quantity of fat calories that cause overweight.
Proactol™ is a revolutionary fat binding pill, containing natural ingredients, and moreover clinically proven to reduce fat intake by 30%. Proactol™ has absolutely no side effects, and what is the most important thing here - once you reach your tempted weight, you can keep it only by taking your daily portion of the product, because it absorbs the whole 30% of any food you eat.

Make sure, you do not miss other interesting facts about how to reduce fats in your body!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dreaming of the perfect body ?

Dreaming of the perfect body every day? Getting rid of overweight? Love your body and your super fitness line ?

These are only some of the questions that crossed my mind only several months ago. Now I’ve achieved my goals and I want to share with all of you the way up to building the self-confidence, you have ever wanted.

Getting the so called “perfect fitness line” of your body is close, you just have to opt for it. The ways, achieving this are many, you only have to choose among the opportunities around you.

One thing you must know for sure – where to start from – plan your diet.

We plan everything these days. That is how we can fit 100 different things into each day. While to an extent this seems a bit over doing it, some things do need to be planned. I don't know why we don't plan our diets. I mean, we plan everything else. Some people even plan when to have sex. Why not spend a few minutes and plan out what you will eat?

Generally people confuse weight loss with fat loss from the body. And that is so wrong to start with, because well-being of a person depends on a certain amount of fat in the body. Fat is emergency storage of energy in your body. Indiscriminate fat loss from the body can be dangerous. And noone would like to harm their bodies, right? Just on the contrary – we would like to make them beautiful, and to be proud of them, to be healthy, to be happy, to be self-confident.

A program for fat loss basically consists of two main parts:

  1. Reducing consumption of excess calories which cause a build up of fat in the body
  2. Gradually burning off the previously acquired excess fat in the body. Cutting down on intake of excess calories is a matter of observing healthy diet in a disciplined manner; burning off excess fat from the body is generally achieved by suitable exercises and it can be supplemented by some dietary practices.

You will see it is possible to achieve weight loss if realistic, practical steps are taken. Because I am not a professional fitness coach or a nutritionist. I am just one of you, who read a lot before taking the first steps into the great journey up to weight loss and self-esteem.

Do not miss this explanation about reducing fats in your body!!