Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What foods should I eat for weight loss?

Low-Carbohydrate Diet:

What we don't know about carbohydrates, or why do we gain weight?

The general people's perception about gaining weight, is that this is due to fats. What we don't know, is that generally the carbohydrates are much more dangerous for
increasing our weight than the fats themselves. Carbohydrates are the main "energy source" for the human's body, and when we don't burn them in the form of sports or
any other physical activity, carbohydrates tend to get stored from our organism in the form of weight tissue. There are three types of carbohydrates:

1. Sugars (simple carbohydrates) - they are the so called "fast carbs" - provide the human body with immediate energy. These are exactly the carbohydrates we need to avoid, as our body stores them in the form of fat, if we don't use them
as energy immediately.

2. Starchers (complex carbohydrates)
- they contain larger chain of sugars, and give you longer timeframe to use them as energy source, which means, the process of storing them as fat does not start immediately.

3. Dietary Fiber - mostly vegetables - they are low in calories and help the body remove waste. Your body needs them, so this is the type of carbohydrate that are not dangerous for your organism.

What are the foods suitable for a low-carbohydrate body:

The low-carbohydrate diet can be devided in two types - high-fat and low-fat. The first one is for gaining muscle mass, the second one is preferable for losing weight.
If you want to effectively lose weight, here is a short list of the foods, that are appropriate for you:

1. all types of low-fat meat - everything except lamb and pork
2. fish and all types of sea-food

3. eggs
4. milk - preferably low-fat, and not more than a 1l a day
5. milk derivatives in small quantities and not in the afternoons
6. vegetables - mostly the green ones - carrots, rice, potatoes are NOT recommended, and their quantity should be strongly reduced

In order not to reduce the norm of insulin in your organism, you should consume between 0,8 and 1,1g of carbohydrates for each kilogram of your body mass.
Example: If you weigh 55 kg, you should consume between 40g and 61g of carbohydrates per day.

When preparing the food, mostly the meat, fish and eggs, bear in mind, they must not be fried.

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